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Minggu, 30 Desember 2012
Detail Single Terbaru dari v[NEU]
v[NEU] akan merilis single terbaru mereka "The 25th Century Love" pada tanggal 27 Februari 2013. Single akan keluar dalam 5 versi dan setiapnya memiliki harga ¥500!
Untuk list, silahkan cek dibawah ini!
01.The 25th Century Love
02.Key of Life
01.The 25th Century Love
01.The 25th Century Love
01.The 25th Century Love
01.The 25th Century Love
Dan silahkan untuk melihat PV Previewnya!
Sc: jpopasia.
AYABIE Lanjutkan Aktivitas Live
Pada bulan September yang lalu, AYABIE mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan hiatus pendek untuk pertunjukan live. Dan ternyata mereka benar-benar menjaga kata-katanya. Ini terbukti setelah keluarnya pengumuman bahwa mereka akan kembali pada tanggal 19 Maret 2013! Live "Five Stars “EAST”er" di Shibuya O-EAST akan menjadi pentunjukan awal bagi AYABIE.
Sc: jpopasia.
Sapa dan Ucapan Dalam Nihongo
Kali ini boku akan share tentang ucapan salam dalam b. Jepang. Douzo!
Pertama bertemu:
-Ohayou gozaimasu (Selamat pagi)
-Konnichiwa (Selamat Siang)
-Konbanwa (Selamat malam)
-Oyasuminasai (Selamat istirahat)
-Moshi-moshi (Halo) *Biasa digunakan dalam percakapan di telepon*
-Hajimemashite (Salam kenal)
-Ohisashiburi desu ne (Lama tak bertemu)
-Youkoso! (Selamat datang!)
Tentang keadaan:
-Ogenki desu ka? (Apa kabar?)
-Okagesama de genki desu (Saya sehat-sehat saja)
-Genki desu (Sehat-sehat saja)
-Kyou wa ii o tenki desu ne? (Cuaca hari ini cukup bagus, bukan?)
-Yoroshiku onegai shimasu (Mohon bantuannya)
-Hai (Iya)
-Iie (Tidak)
-Zannen desu ne (Sayang sekali)
-Omedetou ne (Selamat ya)
-Dame (Jangan)
-Dame desu yo (Sebaiknya jangan)
-Sugoi desu yo/Sugoi (Hebat)
-Suteki desu ne (Bagus ya)
Meminta maaf/permisi:
-Shitsurei shimasu (Permisi)
-Sumimasen (Permisi/maaf)
-Gomennasai (Maaf)
-Sayounara (Selamat tinggal) *biasanya digunakan saat tidak akan bertemu dalam jangka waktu yg lama*
-Mata ashita (Sampai jumpa besok)
-Mata raishuu (Sampai jumpa minggu depan)
-Mata aimashou (ayo bertemu lagi kapan-kapan)
-Ja, mata ne (Sampai jumpa)
Berterima kasih:
-Arigatou gozaimasu (Terimakasih)
-Doumo (Terimakasih)
-Doumo arigatou gozaimasu (Terimakasih banyak)
-Sankyuu (Terimakasih)
-Douitashimasu (Terimakasih kembali/sama-sama)
Selamat belajar, minna-san!
Jika ada yg salah, langsung tinggalkan komentar dibawah ini..
Kali ini boku akan share tentang ucapan salam dalam b. Jepang. Douzo!
Pertama bertemu:
-Ohayou gozaimasu (Selamat pagi)
-Konnichiwa (Selamat Siang)
-Konbanwa (Selamat malam)
-Oyasuminasai (Selamat istirahat)
-Moshi-moshi (Halo) *Biasa digunakan dalam percakapan di telepon*
-Hajimemashite (Salam kenal)
-Ohisashiburi desu ne (Lama tak bertemu)
-Youkoso! (Selamat datang!)
Tentang keadaan:
-Ogenki desu ka? (Apa kabar?)
-Okagesama de genki desu (Saya sehat-sehat saja)
-Genki desu (Sehat-sehat saja)
-Kyou wa ii o tenki desu ne? (Cuaca hari ini cukup bagus, bukan?)
-Yoroshiku onegai shimasu (Mohon bantuannya)
-Hai (Iya)
-Iie (Tidak)
-Zannen desu ne (Sayang sekali)
-Omedetou ne (Selamat ya)
-Dame (Jangan)
-Dame desu yo (Sebaiknya jangan)
-Sugoi desu yo/Sugoi (Hebat)
-Suteki desu ne (Bagus ya)
Meminta maaf/permisi:
-Shitsurei shimasu (Permisi)
-Sumimasen (Permisi/maaf)
-Gomennasai (Maaf)
-Sayounara (Selamat tinggal) *biasanya digunakan saat tidak akan bertemu dalam jangka waktu yg lama*
-Mata ashita (Sampai jumpa besok)
-Mata raishuu (Sampai jumpa minggu depan)
-Mata aimashou (ayo bertemu lagi kapan-kapan)
-Ja, mata ne (Sampai jumpa)
Berterima kasih:
-Arigatou gozaimasu (Terimakasih)
-Doumo (Terimakasih)
-Doumo arigatou gozaimasu (Terimakasih banyak)
-Sankyuu (Terimakasih)
-Douitashimasu (Terimakasih kembali/sama-sama)
Selamat belajar, minna-san!
Jika ada yg salah, langsung tinggalkan komentar dibawah ini..
Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012
Jumat, 28 Desember 2012
Kamis, 27 Desember 2012
Christmas Live Perfomance dari the GazettE
Pada tanggal 24 Desember lalu, the GazettE telah melakukan konser Natal di Shibuya O-EAST. Ini adalah konser natal pertama mereka sejak tiga tahun belakangan. Pada event ini, fans yang diundang secara eksklusif adalah 1000 fans, berbeda dengan konser-konser mereka pada umumnya.
the GazettE melakukan full free concert dengan 18 lagu pilihan dan double encore. Hal mengejutkan dari mereka adalah ketika para member muncul ke panggung dengan berpakaian ala Santa Clause. Lalu, dilanjutkan dengan menyanyikan lagu "Cassis". Ditemani dengan gitarnya, Ruki sang vokalis bernyanyi dengan perasaan mendalam.
Sc: MusicJapan+
ESP/MI Adakan Seminar Gitar Bersama Leda!
Pada bulan Februari tahun depan, ESP/MI JAPAN menyelenggarakan seminar ke sekolah-sekolah di jepang bersama Leda UNDIVIDE! Pengumuman ini disampaikan melalui website official UNDIVIDE. Belum ada informasi lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini. Namun, list tempat seminar sudah diumumkan. Silahkan cek dibawah ini:
1. Tokyo校, Jumat [08/02]
2. Osaka校, Selasa [12/02]
3. Nagoya校, Jumat [15/02]
4. Sendai校, Senin [18/02]
5. Sapporo校, Selasa [19/02]
6. Fukuoka校, Rabu [20/02]
Rabu, 26 Desember 2012
Kiryu segera merilis single baru
Kabar gembira bagi fans Kiryu. Mereka mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan merilis single ke-9. Single ini berjudul "Etsu to Uso" dan akan dirilis pada 20 Februari tahun depan. Single akan hadir dengan 4 versi:
1. Limited Edition Tipe A
01. etsu to uso
02. Track A (title unknown)
01. etsu to uso PV
02. Off shot
2. Limited Edition Tipe B
01. etsu to uso
02. Track A (title unknown)
01. etsu to uso PV (multi angle version of all members)
3. Regular Edition Tipe C
01. etsu to uso
02. Track A (title unknown)
03. Track B (title unknown)
04. Etsu to uso (karaoke version)
05. Track A (title unknown) (karaoke version)
06. Track B (title unknown) (karaoke version)
4. Regular Edition Tipe D
01. etsu to uso
02. Track A (title unknown)
03. Track C (title unkown)
04. Etsu to uso (karaoke version)
05. Track A (title unknown) (karaoke version)
06. Track C (karaoke version)
Sc: jpopasia.
Awake Akan Rilis 3 Single baru!
Band Visual Kei Awake akan merilis 3 single baru pada tahun depan!
Single “kuroamedama×Suicide” akan rilis pada 16 Januari 2013 dan akan hadir dalam 2 versi: Edisi Reguler berisi tiga lagu, yaitu “CODE xEx.”, “BABY BOY” dan “kuroi shitto to Suicide”. Sedangkan untuk edisi Limited berisi 2 lagu, yaitu “CODE xEx.” dan “BABY BOY” ditambah dengan sebuah DVD yang berisi PV “CODE xEx.”
Single kedua adalah “Sweet★Noiz★Scandal?” yang akan dirilis pada 13 Februari 2013 dan seperti biasa akan rilis dalam 2 versi: Edisi Reguler berisi lagu “Full-Color★Fiction”, “monokuro melancholic” dan “『suio』scandal”. Untuk edisi Limited berisi dua lagu pertama dan PV “Full-Color★Fiction”.
Single ketiga yaitu “Treasure⇔POP⇔SHOW”. Rilis pada 20 Maret 2013 dan hadir dengan 2 versi juga: Edisi Reguler berisi lagu “natsu ni saku kiseki no sakura”, “『U-topia』“ dan “viv★”. Edisi Limited berisi 2 lagu pertama dan PV “natsu ni saku kiseki no sakura”.
Untuk harga setiap edisi Reguler adalah ¥1575 dan edisi Limited adalah ¥2100.
Silahkan cek preview PV “kuroamedama×Suicide” dibawah ini!
Untuk harga setiap edisi Reguler adalah ¥1575 dan edisi Limited adalah ¥2100.
Silahkan cek preview PV “kuroamedama×Suicide” dibawah ini!
Sc: jpopasia.
DIR EN GREY Umumkan Mini Album Terbaru "THE UNRAVELING"
DIR EN GREY mengumukan bahwa mereka akan merilis Mini Album "THE UNRAVELING" pada 3 April 2013. Pengumuman ini disampaikan satu minggu setelah perilisan single mereka "RINKAKU"!
Mini Album akan berisi 7 lagu baru dan hadir dengan 3 versi:
1. Limited Order-Only Deluxe Version [2CD+DVD]
---> Harga: ¥7350. Deadline pemesanan: 11 Februari 2013.
2. Initial Limited Version [CD+DVD]
---> Harga: ¥3150.
3. Original Version [CD]
---> Harga: ¥2625
Sc: jpopasia.
ASTRAY Memutuskan untuk Disband
Band Visual Kei ASTRAY telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan disband pada 30 Januari 2013. Pesan ini diumumkan melalui website dan blog resminya. Namun, para member belum memberikan alasan kenapa memutuskan untuk disband. Mereka juga meminta maaf kepada fansnya karena pengumuman mendadak ini.
Sc: jpopasia.
Diskografi Matenrou Opera
<1.> Alkaloid Showcase [2007.05.04]
1. Alkaloid Showcase
2. Kaze no Tori
<2.> Ruri Iro de Egaku Niji [2008.03.05]
1. Ruri no de Egaku Niji
2. Honey Drop
3. Boukyaku Celluloid
<3.> SPECTACULAR [2008.09.24]
1. Eve
2. Shinkiro
3. Kagayakeru Sekai
<4.> LAST SCENE [2008.12.17]
1. Last Game
1. Last Game
2. Datura
3. Tenjou he no Kakehashi wo
<5.> Acedia [2009.03.25]
1. Hiai to Melancholy
2. Faust
3. Lawn Daisy
<6.> Murder Scope [2009.12.16]
1. Murder Scope
3. EVE
4. Hiai to Melancholy
5. Last Game
6. Ruri Iro de Egaku Niji
<7.> GENESIS/R [2010.06.25]
1. Genesis
2. R
<8.> HELIOS [2011.07.06]
1. Helios
2. Helios (A prayer to Helios Ver.)
3. Adult Children
4. Kizuna
5. Magnolia
<9.> GLORIA [2012.10.03]
2. Psychic Paradise
4. Hatsukoi wa eien ni
<10.> Innovational Symphonia [2012.12.05]
1. Innovational Symphonia
2. Ano hi no mama sekaisen ni mukatte
3. RUSH!
4. Freesia
<1.> ANOMIE [2009.06.24]
2. Dolce
4. Hiai to Melancholy
5. Tsuki no Suna
6. Dennou Paranoia
7. EVE
8. Nemureru Yoru
10. Sexual Entrapment
11. Utopia
12. Ruri Iro de Egaku Niji-ANOMIE EDITION
13. Honshitsu he to Tadoru Ai
14. [bonus track] Eternal Symphony
<2.> Abyss [2010.12.22]
2. Mou Hitori no Hanayome
3. frill
4. coal tar
5. Double Clutch
7. Finale...
<3.> JUSTICE [2012.03.07]
1. Justice
2. Nurashita kuchibiru de KISS wo shite
3. Otoshiana no soko wa konna sekai
4. Helios
6. Mermaid
7. 21mg
8. AGE
9. Just Be Myself
10. Apotoshisu (アポトーシス)
11. New Cinema Paradise
12. Kizuna -full chorus-
13. Designer Baby
<3.> JUSTICE [2012.03.07]
1. -overture-
3. Plastic Lover
4. Akuma no Tsubasa
5. Freesia
7. Merry Drinker
9. Innovational Symphonia
10. Eien no Blue
11. Midnight Fanfare
12. Kassai to Gekijou no Gloria
<1.> GILIA [2008.10.08]
1. Plastic Cell
2. Alkaloid Showcase
3. Twilight Parade
4. Sara
5. Koku kara no Tegami
<2.> Otoshi Ana no Soko wa Konna Sekai [2011.10.09]
1. Otoshi Ana no Soko wa Konna Sekai
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Diorama Wonderland
Sc: 摩天楼オペラ OFFICIAL
Minggu, 23 Desember 2012
Title: AHEAD
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
some of you may flash back to the days gone by
hoping us to reunite
what means to me that I am still on my path
a long long journey that may never come to an end
since success is only a fact and not the goal
let me smile right before I die, watching back overall
take me ahead, live today
what’s gone will never be back, leave behind
I remember how it was
and you will begin to build again
now follow the steps as we start to walk again
now follow the sound as we start to play again
now is the time
the style does not matter anymore
what we do, what we have done
it’s all the same
open your heart
you shall now
Sc: SMiT
Title: AHEAD
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
some of you may flash back to the days gone by
hoping us to reunite
what means to me that I am still on my path
a long long journey that may never come to an end
since success is only a fact and not the goal
let me smile right before I die, watching back overall
take me ahead, live today
what’s gone will never be back, leave behind
I remember how it was
and you will begin to build again
now follow the steps as we start to walk again
now follow the sound as we start to play again
now is the time
the style does not matter anymore
what we do, what we have done
it’s all the same
open your heart
you shall now
Sc: SMiT
Title: 13AM
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
the sky is burning above my head
raining the ashes of regret
trying not to breathe in deep the pain
there’s not a place I can walk away
just the plastic case that’s inside of me
wonder in the innocence I made to fake the weak in me
trying to the show the best of me but it’s not enough, it’s not enough
holding on then letting go, only wanting for someone to know
I’m lost inside the mistakes like anybody else
trying to imagine the glory I wanna see
I can’t do this anymore
walking with the regrets on my way back home
lies I disguise only makes me wanna stay alone
now I’ll delight everything that leads me into hope
throw out demons out the door
all this time I never known
it’s been playing with the negativity in me
I’m starting to notice what the answer really is
cause everything clears when I appreciate
for everyone that I relate
has been here with me and always by my side
I hold desire with me like anybody else
seeking my ideal for the best I could be
I can’t do this anymore
walking with the regrets on my way back home
lies I disguise only makes me wanna stay alone
now I’ll delight everything that leads me into hope
I’m trying to see, trying to be
(trying to make it on my own)
I believe I will be
you know
I can’t do this anymore
walking with the regrets on my way back home
lies I disguise only makes me wanna stay alone
now I’ll delight everything that leads me into hope
(you can only light the way in, you can only light the way out,
you can be the light that shines us through)
I’m trying to see, trying to be
(trying to make it on my own)
I believe I will be
the sky is burning above my head
roaming inside my own bed
blur’n my time like it’s 13AM
Sc: SMiT
Title: 13AM
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
the sky is burning above my head
raining the ashes of regret
trying not to breathe in deep the pain
there’s not a place I can walk away
just the plastic case that’s inside of me
wonder in the innocence I made to fake the weak in me
trying to the show the best of me but it’s not enough, it’s not enough
holding on then letting go, only wanting for someone to know
I’m lost inside the mistakes like anybody else
trying to imagine the glory I wanna see
I can’t do this anymore
walking with the regrets on my way back home
lies I disguise only makes me wanna stay alone
now I’ll delight everything that leads me into hope
throw out demons out the door
all this time I never known
it’s been playing with the negativity in me
I’m starting to notice what the answer really is
cause everything clears when I appreciate
for everyone that I relate
has been here with me and always by my side
I hold desire with me like anybody else
seeking my ideal for the best I could be
I can’t do this anymore
walking with the regrets on my way back home
lies I disguise only makes me wanna stay alone
now I’ll delight everything that leads me into hope
I’m trying to see, trying to be
(trying to make it on my own)
I believe I will be
you know
I can’t do this anymore
walking with the regrets on my way back home
lies I disguise only makes me wanna stay alone
now I’ll delight everything that leads me into hope
(you can only light the way in, you can only light the way out,
you can be the light that shines us through)
I’m trying to see, trying to be
(trying to make it on my own)
I believe I will be
the sky is burning above my head
roaming inside my own bed
blur’n my time like it’s 13AM
Sc: SMiT
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
it’s you, stuck inside this gap
grasping to my veins
can you help me from this sorrow, I’ve holding much too long
desperate for a chance
(losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide)
when I’m losing my focus
on a tiny error
my weakness reacts to the poison
generated in my head
like a thousand hiding voices
whisper to my ear
the growing need for you keeps rising
push forward like a wave
can you give me a sign
and tell me what’s right
cause I’m losing my time without you by my side
no, I’m not alright
craving you tonight
and I’m losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide
breathing in your spell, seethe the greed, in my heart
try’n to comprehend every meaning
of your digital passage
wears me out to find the message
of how you really feel
I don’t know, not anymore, so alone
doesn’t matter to have the answer
if love was sacrifice
I am petrified
I need your pride
for me
(looking at the pictures, imaging you soft, with all I remember
ocean size of your thoughts, drowning me to loneliness)
(losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide)
breathing in you spell, seethe the greed, in my heart
can you give me a sign
and tell me what’s right
cause I’m losing my time without you by my side
no, I’m not alright
craving you tonight
and I’m losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide
will I be one again?
cause I know that you’ll give me a sign
and tell me what’s right
then my life would feel alright with you my side
with you my side, Jeykill and Hide
Sc: SMiT
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
it’s you, stuck inside this gap
grasping to my veins
can you help me from this sorrow, I’ve holding much too long
desperate for a chance
(losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide)
when I’m losing my focus
on a tiny error
my weakness reacts to the poison
generated in my head
like a thousand hiding voices
whisper to my ear
the growing need for you keeps rising
push forward like a wave
can you give me a sign
and tell me what’s right
cause I’m losing my time without you by my side
no, I’m not alright
craving you tonight
and I’m losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide
breathing in your spell, seethe the greed, in my heart
try’n to comprehend every meaning
of your digital passage
wears me out to find the message
of how you really feel
I don’t know, not anymore, so alone
doesn’t matter to have the answer
if love was sacrifice
I am petrified
I need your pride
for me
(looking at the pictures, imaging you soft, with all I remember
ocean size of your thoughts, drowning me to loneliness)
(losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide)
breathing in you spell, seethe the greed, in my heart
can you give me a sign
and tell me what’s right
cause I’m losing my time without you by my side
no, I’m not alright
craving you tonight
and I’m losing my mind like Jeykill and Hide
will I be one again?
cause I know that you’ll give me a sign
and tell me what’s right
then my life would feel alright with you my side
with you my side, Jeykill and Hide
Sc: SMiT
Title: SKIN
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
Piled with pride you brag to hide
The status of the lies you can't deny
Sharing your stories inside-out
Pulling the strings not to surface the doubt
Why compare yourself against with me?
All these words you've spit at me
Will slap back to your teeth
You'll spill what lies beneath
Your skin
Scream'n your criticize
Bring'n you back down to size
You've spilled what live inside
Your skin
Drink in the phantom dressed in bluff
You wanna tell me that I'm not enough
I don't need your analyze
Opened your mouth cause you need attention
You share your point but lost the reason
Why can't you admit me
I'm not your self-esteem
Sc: Forum Indowebster
Title: SKIN
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
Piled with pride you brag to hide
The status of the lies you can't deny
Sharing your stories inside-out
Pulling the strings not to surface the doubt
Why compare yourself against with me?
All these words you've spit at me
Will slap back to your teeth
You'll spill what lies beneath
Your skin
Scream'n your criticize
Bring'n you back down to size
You've spilled what live inside
Your skin
Drink in the phantom dressed in bluff
You wanna tell me that I'm not enough
I don't need your analyze
Opened your mouth cause you need attention
You share your point but lost the reason
Why can't you admit me
I'm not your self-esteem
Sc: Forum Indowebster
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
aligned with metal horns they gore against the population
serving us constitution fill our cups with regulation
buried their accidents in the residence of contradiction
stocking them golden coins, secure for post and legislation
how will they overcome?
this mayhem’s turning numb
retrieve this sorrow, retrieve tomorrow
though still they hesitate
how smart they ought to fake
to bleed the truth
smiling with declaration wave them hands of counterfeit
they teach you how to give up push away the obligation
sells out their sympathy to buy their way to raise the tax
blinds all the explanation to swim inside the abstraction
how will they overcome?
this mayhem’s turning numb
retrieve this sorrow, retrieve tomorrow
though still they hesitate
how smart they ought to fake
to bleed the truth
but I’m not gonna lose against their will
like a lamb in order
and I will be the first to not stay still
as long as I am me
(All right it time to put (inaudible) these fucked up politicians)
(1, 2, 3 GO)
1 lamb, 2 lamb, 3 lamb, 4
choking on the rings that’s pierced on their nose
1 lamb, 2 lamb, 3 lamb, 4
choking on the rings that’s pierced on their nose
how smart they ought to fake, to bleed the truth
I’m not your lamb
but I’m not gonna lose against their will
like a lamb in order
and I will be the first to not stay still
as long as I am me
don’t let them tell you who you should of been
they only wanna crawl on the things they see
I will show you how to stand alone
as long as you are alive
Sc: SMiT
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
aligned with metal horns they gore against the population
serving us constitution fill our cups with regulation
buried their accidents in the residence of contradiction
stocking them golden coins, secure for post and legislation
how will they overcome?
this mayhem’s turning numb
retrieve this sorrow, retrieve tomorrow
though still they hesitate
how smart they ought to fake
to bleed the truth
smiling with declaration wave them hands of counterfeit
they teach you how to give up push away the obligation
sells out their sympathy to buy their way to raise the tax
blinds all the explanation to swim inside the abstraction
how will they overcome?
this mayhem’s turning numb
retrieve this sorrow, retrieve tomorrow
though still they hesitate
how smart they ought to fake
to bleed the truth
but I’m not gonna lose against their will
like a lamb in order
and I will be the first to not stay still
as long as I am me
(All right it time to put (inaudible) these fucked up politicians)
(1, 2, 3 GO)
1 lamb, 2 lamb, 3 lamb, 4
choking on the rings that’s pierced on their nose
1 lamb, 2 lamb, 3 lamb, 4
choking on the rings that’s pierced on their nose
how smart they ought to fake, to bleed the truth
I’m not your lamb
but I’m not gonna lose against their will
like a lamb in order
and I will be the first to not stay still
as long as I am me
don’t let them tell you who you should of been
they only wanna crawl on the things they see
I will show you how to stand alone
as long as you are alive
Sc: SMiT
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
oh tell me why, so tell me why, now tell me why
these madness going around, keeps coming around,
just loop around
discriminated, methods of hatred, demonstrated, generated
extremist, radicalism, terrorist, and fucking racist
just burn
go ahead and burn
now burn
we’re running out of youth, running out of truth, running into blues
undercover wars, separating walls, enforced by laws
just burn
go ahead and burn
now burn
(can you) hear them children cry
leaving them behind, amends are left to dry into ash
(save this world, save their world)
cause life hurts anyway, for just the way we live
can’t stand to watch their future sacrificed
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
we will unite, won’t roll their dice, we will survive
can’t stop us now, no matter how, yeah refuse it loud
for us to burn
burn, they can’t make us burn
burn, they can’t make us burn
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
don’t let them tell you what you can or cannot do
cause the world is still in our hands
but if thoughts we have collide would you fight and deny?
or will you take my hand to find a way?
burn, burn, burn, burn
just burn
go ahead and burn
yeah burn
(can you) hear them children cry
leaving them behind, amends are left to dry into ash
(save this world, save their world)
cause life hurts anyway, for just the way we live
can’t stand to watch their future sacrificed
when will they realize
see kids watching why amends left for them relied
(save his world, save her world)
cause life’s tough anyway, we can never give away
and lead them blind with future sacrificed
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
Sc: SMiT
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
oh tell me why, so tell me why, now tell me why
these madness going around, keeps coming around,
just loop around
discriminated, methods of hatred, demonstrated, generated
extremist, radicalism, terrorist, and fucking racist
just burn
go ahead and burn
now burn
we’re running out of youth, running out of truth, running into blues
undercover wars, separating walls, enforced by laws
just burn
go ahead and burn
now burn
(can you) hear them children cry
leaving them behind, amends are left to dry into ash
(save this world, save their world)
cause life hurts anyway, for just the way we live
can’t stand to watch their future sacrificed
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
we will unite, won’t roll their dice, we will survive
can’t stop us now, no matter how, yeah refuse it loud
for us to burn
burn, they can’t make us burn
burn, they can’t make us burn
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
don’t let them tell you what you can or cannot do
cause the world is still in our hands
but if thoughts we have collide would you fight and deny?
or will you take my hand to find a way?
burn, burn, burn, burn
just burn
go ahead and burn
yeah burn
(can you) hear them children cry
leaving them behind, amends are left to dry into ash
(save this world, save their world)
cause life hurts anyway, for just the way we live
can’t stand to watch their future sacrificed
when will they realize
see kids watching why amends left for them relied
(save his world, save her world)
cause life’s tough anyway, we can never give away
and lead them blind with future sacrificed
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
burned, burned, burned like a fireball
Sc: SMiT
DIAURA Umumkan Dua Perilisan di Awal 2013
DIAURA akan merilis single dan mini album baru!
Untuk Single ke-5 ini akan dirilis pada tanggal 20 Februari dengan judul "Whiteness". Harganya ¥1200 dan hanya berisi lagu "Whiteness" (mp3). Namun, single akan daang bersama DVD yang berisi PV lagu tersebut.
Sedangkan untuk mini album ke-2 mereka akan dirilis pada tanggal 13 Maret dengan judul "REBORN". Ini akan hadir dengan 3 versi: Limited Edition tipe A dan B seharga ¥2800 dan sudah termasuk CD dan DVD. Lalu, Regular Edition tipe C seharga ¥2520 dan sudah termasuk CD.
Untuk track list, check dibawah ini:
01. taidou
03. anti people
04. kindanryouiki
05. Garden of Eden
06. VIRGIN MARY(Re-recording ver.) (included in regular edition)
[DVD] (Type A)
taiyou PV
[DVD] (Type B)
live performances of their “deadly “9” circuit” live at Shibuya REX on December 2nd
01. Deadly number
03. Evil
04. Shitsuyoku no seiiki
Sc: jpopasia.
Diskografi UNDIVIDE
<1.> UNDIVIDE [2012.09.05]

1. 400 Days
2. The Catalyst
3. Minds Up
4. Nemesis
5. Fireball
7. Skin
9. 13AM
10. Ahead
Sc: UNDIVIDE Official Web Site
Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
Crawling by absence of the bond I used to have with me
Trapped in the loneliness I find it hard to come at ease
Shroud the wounds and bound the pain
It's all inside and I feel it gain
The pressure always stays no matter anyway
Gave up to give up so I'll never be astray
I'm not afraid, I can never runaway
I have to face my nemesis so one by one, you know I will overcome
I'll face my nemesis
Gotta keep away from falling
Can you hear my heart this screaming
I'm looking for attention
My time is not enough for wasting
Had too much do with crying
Take away the fear of fighting
While in limitation
Don't wanna feel my life so null
No time for motherf*ck'n reject[*]
All I'm looking for is a little bit of respect
Check my tech gonna break your neck
I wanna take ya higher to the upper deck
Stepp'n to the life in the fast lane
Everybody always jumping on the night train
Give you money, give you fame, everyday Champaign
They try'n to steal my brain
(lies, truth, luck, sin, life, death)
I'm captured in battle moments crossing into make me sweat
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
Crawling by absence of the bond I used to have with me
Trapped in the loneliness I find it hard to come at ease
Shroud the wounds and bound the pain
It's all inside and I feel it gain
The pressure always stays no matter anyway
Gave up to give up so I'll never be astray
I'm not afraid, I can never runaway
I have to face my nemesis so one by one, you know I will overcome
I'll face my nemesis
Gotta keep away from falling
Can you hear my heart this screaming
I'm looking for attention
My time is not enough for wasting
Had too much do with crying
Take away the fear of fighting
While in limitation
Don't wanna feel my life so null
No time for motherf*ck'n reject[*]
All I'm looking for is a little bit of respect
Check my tech gonna break your neck
I wanna take ya higher to the upper deck
Stepp'n to the life in the fast lane
Everybody always jumping on the night train
Give you money, give you fame, everyday Champaign
They try'n to steal my brain
(lies, truth, luck, sin, life, death)
I'm captured in battle moments crossing into make me sweat
Year: 2011
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
found my way again, and I know it’s not the end
it’s just the start!!!
lock and load it’s time to go
refilled the energy gonna overflow
my instinct sharp and slick
refined the style and got the grip
cut off the enemy that pull the string
they attack cuz they’re trembling
no way to break my heart of stone
demonstrating tactics how to stand strong
burn away all the agony
that falls from the sky
all the anger, misery
impel you in time
every move you make decides
what tomorrow will derive
found my way again, and I know it’s not the end
I will start again, I will start again
found my way again, and I will never descend
I will stand against through this long and winding road
(minds up)
I will be walking on my own
(minds up)
just don’t let me fight this all alone
how many times have I felt
that this may be the last chance to live my dream
now I know every move I made lead me to this day
I won’t deny
blow away this apathy
that clouds in the night
every aspect in your life
impel you in time
every move you make decides
what tomorrow will derive
for you
found my way again, and I know it’s not the end
I will start again, I will start again
found my way again, and I will never descend
I will stand against through this long and winding road
(minds up)
I will be walking on my own
(minds up)
just don’t let me fight this all alone
(minds up)
someday, somehow
I’ll get me through this on my own
(minds up)
on my own
Year: 2011
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
found my way again, and I know it’s not the end
it’s just the start!!!
lock and load it’s time to go
refilled the energy gonna overflow
my instinct sharp and slick
refined the style and got the grip
cut off the enemy that pull the string
they attack cuz they’re trembling
no way to break my heart of stone
demonstrating tactics how to stand strong
burn away all the agony
that falls from the sky
all the anger, misery
impel you in time
every move you make decides
what tomorrow will derive
found my way again, and I know it’s not the end
I will start again, I will start again
found my way again, and I will never descend
I will stand against through this long and winding road
(minds up)
I will be walking on my own
(minds up)
just don’t let me fight this all alone
how many times have I felt
that this may be the last chance to live my dream
now I know every move I made lead me to this day
I won’t deny
blow away this apathy
that clouds in the night
every aspect in your life
impel you in time
every move you make decides
what tomorrow will derive
for you
found my way again, and I know it’s not the end
I will start again, I will start again
found my way again, and I will never descend
I will stand against through this long and winding road
(minds up)
I will be walking on my own
(minds up)
just don’t let me fight this all alone
(minds up)
someday, somehow
I’ll get me through this on my own
(minds up)
on my own
Jumat, 21 Desember 2012
Vote yuk di JpopAsia Music Awards 2012 - JROCK!
Ohayou minna-san!
Di pagi yang cerah nan cemerlang ini dimana matahari masih terbit dari timur *plak*, mimin bakalan kasih tau tentang Vote JpopAsia Music Awards 2012 - JROCK. yay!
Tadi pagi lagi berpetualang di Facebook, ternyata ada temen yang kasih tau kalau Jpopasia kembali mengadakan vote, baik untuk J-Pop, J-Rock, dan K-Pop. Tanpa basa basi langsung buka tu link dan tenyata, level kegalauanku meningkat drastis! Kenapa mimin bilang seperti itu? Karena semua band kesayangan mimin masuk dalam vote, seperti the GazettE, Versailles, Alice Nine, UNDIVIDE, DELUHI, dan Matenrou Opera *mana yang harus kupilih?!*. Tapi ada rasa seneng sih karena ternyata DELUHI masih masuk dalam vote kali ini yang padahal band ini udah disband sejak setahun yang lalu. Arigatou gozaimasu, Jpopasia *terharu TwT*.
Untuk beberapa vote kayaknya masih oke-oke aja walaupun ada rasa galau untuk milihnya,tapi semua kegalauan itu sirna *eaa* dengan pilihan vote terakhir, yaitu vote 'Sexiest Rocker' *ngakak glindingan XDD*. Gaswat, bingung mau milih siapa, pilihannya hanya tinggal KAMIJO, Miyavi, dan T.M. REVOLUTION. Tenyata eh ternyata, semua pilihan itu tidak ada yang mimin pilih karena ternyata di pilihan vote itu ada Kai (the GazettE) lho! Wah, bang Kai (di spasi ya) ternyata masuk juga, sugeee! Baru tau kalau Kai-san ternyata sexy *muna* langsung vote dah si abang yang kawaii nan menggoda itu XD. Akhirnya usai sudah perjuangan yang melelahkan ini. Tapi setelah nge-vote, tenyata ada penyataan dari Jpopasia "Remember you can vote everyday using your facebook and/or twitter account!". Yuhuuu, masih bisa vote lagi XD, galau langsung hilang nih!
Terimakasih sudah membaca basa basi usang yang (sama sekali) tidak berguna ini. Semoga anda tidak muntah setelah membacanya~ m(__)m
Untuk yang belum tau linknya, mimin kasi tau linknya, klik disini!
Selamat Vote minna-san!
Di pagi yang cerah nan cemerlang ini dimana matahari masih terbit dari timur *plak*, mimin bakalan kasih tau tentang Vote JpopAsia Music Awards 2012 - JROCK. yay!
Tadi pagi lagi berpetualang di Facebook, ternyata ada temen yang kasih tau kalau Jpopasia kembali mengadakan vote, baik untuk J-Pop, J-Rock, dan K-Pop. Tanpa basa basi langsung buka tu link dan tenyata, level kegalauanku meningkat drastis! Kenapa mimin bilang seperti itu? Karena semua band kesayangan mimin masuk dalam vote, seperti the GazettE, Versailles, Alice Nine, UNDIVIDE, DELUHI, dan Matenrou Opera *mana yang harus kupilih?!*. Tapi ada rasa seneng sih karena ternyata DELUHI masih masuk dalam vote kali ini yang padahal band ini udah disband sejak setahun yang lalu. Arigatou gozaimasu, Jpopasia *terharu TwT*.
Untuk beberapa vote kayaknya masih oke-oke aja walaupun ada rasa galau untuk milihnya,tapi semua kegalauan itu sirna *eaa* dengan pilihan vote terakhir, yaitu vote 'Sexiest Rocker' *ngakak glindingan XDD*. Gaswat, bingung mau milih siapa, pilihannya hanya tinggal KAMIJO, Miyavi, dan T.M. REVOLUTION. Tenyata eh ternyata, semua pilihan itu tidak ada yang mimin pilih karena ternyata di pilihan vote itu ada Kai (the GazettE) lho! Wah, bang Kai (di spasi ya) ternyata masuk juga, sugeee! Baru tau kalau Kai-san ternyata sexy *muna* langsung vote dah si abang yang kawaii nan menggoda itu XD. Akhirnya usai sudah perjuangan yang melelahkan ini. Tapi setelah nge-vote, tenyata ada penyataan dari Jpopasia "Remember you can vote everyday using your facebook and/or twitter account!". Yuhuuu, masih bisa vote lagi XD, galau langsung hilang nih!
Terimakasih sudah membaca basa basi usang yang (sama sekali) tidak berguna ini. Semoga anda tidak muntah setelah membacanya~ m(__)m
Untuk yang belum tau linknya, mimin kasi tau linknya, klik disini!
Selamat Vote minna-san!
Selasa, 18 Desember 2012
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
Can you feel the invisible line someone has made?
The time has come to break these walls
Blow out their segregation
Torched by the boundaries
They shake your own decision
Fading your resolution
What you evade
Clouded your vision now
Don’t let them force your style to what they engage
You see these walls that don’t exist
Withered by your ignorance
You need a taste before you start?
Just close your mouth and follow your heart
Why divide to outer
Determine “another”
While we seek to feel the same
I’ll take you somewhere
A place we can share
Just make me your catalyst
What you have become is not what you will be
Now listen
Wake up the infinite sense
Destroy all the stereotype
There is more that what you are seeing
Don’t let your attention slide
You play these games that don’t exist
Withered by their infection
You need to look before you start?
Just close your eyes and follow your heart
Deep in this field there’s a sound I think you should of know
Spread out your world and just
See what’s real
Don’t decide as other
See what really matters
What we do to stay alive
I know you can hear this
I know you can feel me
If you make me your catalyst.
Senin, 17 Desember 2012
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
[UNDIVIDE] 400 Days Lyric
Title: 400 Days
Year: 2012
Lyrics: Kihiro
Composition: Leda
The steps of my path, 400 days has past
Ending in vandalize, an omen I now realize
Distraction is that my body is evolving when what surrounds me degenerate
What hurt is people are changing while my will feels to stay the same
Call my name
Time and time again
I can only live the way that I can see
I'm trying once again
So you can hear before you close the door
Prime of my life
I don't wanna lose what you still see in me
It's time to start again
Cuz I can't live without this anymore
[Matenrou Opera] RUSH! Lyric
sekinin nante kotoba ga kaban no naka o shihai shiteiru
nande konna ni omoi mono itsumo daiji ni kakaete n'darou?
furikireru nara mucha shiyou mokkai hashiridasu junbi sa
tobitatsu n'nara migaru na hou ga ii
fusagareta DOA o NOKKU shitatte daremo deteki ya shinai n'dakara
keritobase meippai ni nai kagi sagasanaide
hikiwake nerai no dakyou ja mijime ni mukatteru tte wakaru darou?
jibun no koto suteteyuku sonna n'naru mae ni RASSHU shite ikou ze
tatakai nante oogesa ni nichijou zenbu okikaeteru
sonna kihaku mo ii darou sore ni taerare n'nara ii darou
minna ga minna sou janai zenbu ga zenbu sou janai
mada sagashitatte ii darou?
hashiridase ashi o mochiagete susumanakya GO-RU nante nai mama
motto jibun rashiku are aiseru no nara sono hou ga ii
nandakanda de otona ni natte migi ni naratte ikite n'da
ore no PURAIDO wa itsu datte sekensama e no kenjoubutsu
HANA kara koube o taretatte aite no kao wa mienee zo
dashite dashite dashite dashite dashite kirawaretatte ikite yare
fusagareta DOA o NOKKU shitatte daremo deteki ya shinai n'dakara
keritobase meippai ni nai kagi sagasanaide
hikiwake nerai no dakyou ja mijime ni mukatteru tte wakaru darou?
jibun no koto suteteyuku sonna n'naru mae ni RASSHU shite ikou ze
[Matenrou Opera] Freesia Lyric
Adokenai shigusa de hou wo someru masshiro na hanabira
Massugu na hitomi ni miserareru ki ni sunda hanabira
Yogore wo shiranai mama nni misete akai chi no hanabira
Aa sono karada wo tashikamete mitai murasaki no hanabira
Boku igai dare mo inai futari ni wa dare mo iranai
Noboritsumeteiku kono netsu wo boku wo mitomete hoshii
Shiru koto ga dekinai modokashisa awai murasaki
Sasaeru yo itsumademo kono ai wa hontou sa
Freesia Freesia Ah mirai mo ima mo
Freesia Freesia kimi wo mamoru to iwasete okure
Boku igai dare mo inai futari ni wa dare mo iranai
Sasaeru yo itsumademo kono ai wa hontou sa
Freesia Freesia Ah mirai mo ima mo
Freesia Freesia kimi wo mamoru to iwasete okure
Freesia Freesia doro ni mamirete sakasete ageru
Freesia Freesia damasarete ite mo ii kotoba ni nai de
Freesia Freesia
[Matenrou Opera] Ano hi no mama sekaisen ni mukatte Lyric
Jibun ga fuantei da omoi tsuku subete no fu no kanjou dake ga yattekite
Dokoka no eiga ni detekita you na ugomeku mushi no mizuumi ni
Oboreteiku uomoreteiku nee dare ni nani wo hanaseba
Kawarazu ni warai aeru hi ga modotte kuru no? to kotoba wo nageta
Dekiru koto to imi no aru koto wakaranai mama yoru ga kite
Toki no tenbin ni sugatteita dou sureba anata ni deaeru no?
Owari no nai kono LOOP kara anata dake wo tsuredashite
Shimaitai boku ga nozonda ano hi no mama no sekaisen ni mukatte
Jikan no hazama ni kioku ga hagurete shimatte mo hitori ni sasenai soba ni iru
Oboreteiku uomoreteiku nee dare ni nani wo hanaseba
Kawarazu ni warai aeru hi ga modotte kuru no?
Owari no nai kono LOOP kara anata dake wo tsuredashite
Shimaitai boku ga nozonda ano hi no mama no sekaisen ni mukatte
Kimi no iru basho ni boku wa mukatteiru
[Matenrou Opera] Innovational Symphonia Lyric
inochi o terasaretemo kagayaki wa umarenai
moyashitsukuseru kakugo ga watashi no ikita akashi sa
ataete hoshii nara sono daika o harae
te o sashinoberu nara moumoku o tsuranuke
Reach out and touch the gloria
Innovational symphonia
Shadows lift us up in the air
Pabulum for the...
inochi o terasaretemo kagayaki wa umarenai
moyashitsukuseru kakugo ga watashi no ikita akashi sa
madowaseru koto bakari niburaseru koto bakari
kono ashi o tomenai you ni erabu koko ni iru imi o
hitorikiri naiteta watashi e no SHINFONIA
tsumuideku MERODI- yo itsuka shukufuku o yonde
inochi o terasaretemo kagayaki wa umarenai
moyashitsukuseru kakugo ga watashi no ikita akashi sa
madowaseru koto bakari niburaseru koto bakari
kono ashi o tomenai you ni erabu koko ni iru imi o
Reach out and touch the gloria
Innovational symphonia
Shadows lift us up in the air
Pabulum for the...
Reach out and touch the gloria
Innovational symphonia
Shadows lift us up in the air
Pabulum for the life to live
Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012
Golden Bomber Segera Hiatus
Golden Bomber mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan hiatus dalam jangka pendek pada Januari tahun depan. Keputusan ini diambil karena mengingat kesehatan buruk pada vokalis GB, Kiryuun. Ia mengalami gangguan pada tenggorokan. Demi yang terbaik, maka setelah berdiskusi dengan staff mereka memutuskan untuk hiatus hingga kiryuun kembali pulih. Berdasarkan informasi yang didapat, mereka akan hiatus mulai dari pertengahan Januari hingga April 2013.
Dikarenakan kesehatannya yang memburuk, Kiryuun terpaksa menunda tur solonya "Hitori Yogari 3" yang seharusnya dijadwalkan pada bulan Desember 2012. Untuk saat ini belum tahu sampai kapan tur akan ditunda, namun kemungkinan mereka akan menundanya hingga bulan Desember tahun depan.
Sc: jpopasia.
NEGA Umumkan Final Album
Setelah berita tentang disband, NEGA mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mengeluarkan album terakhirnya yang berjudul "NEGATIVISM-TRANCE-". Album ini akan di rilis pada tanggal 13 Maret 2013 dan akan datang dengan 2 versi yang berbeda.
1. abase
2. quadrangle
3. Utsu
4. idle
5. Haunted Jealousy
8. Munashiki 「Sei」 no Guui = 「Shi」 no Shini
9. 「-」 (unreleased track included in Type B)
Tipe A [CD+DVD(PV collection)]: 5040 Yen
Tipe B [CD]: 3360 Yen
Untuk saat ini belum ada informasi lebih lanjut tentang track list PV di DVD.
Sc: jpopasia.
Hitsugi NIGHTMARE Terlibat Kecelakaan Mobil
Melalui akun twitternya, gitaris NIGHTMARE, Hitsugi mengatakan bahwa dirinya terlibat kecelakaan mobil kecil. Tidak ada cedera serius, namun tulang selangka kirinya patah dan akan memakan waktu satu setengah bulan untuk pulih kembali. Dan ia juga meminta maaf kepada para fansnya karena telah membuat mereka khawatir. Untuk sementara tidak ada info lebih lanjut tentang insiden ini.
Sc: JaME world uk.
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
NIGHTMARE Umumkan Album Baru dan Tour
Band Visual Kei NIGHTMARE akan merilis album baru pada bulan Januari 2013. Pengumuman disampaikan pada Live mereka di Tokyo International Forum Hall pada tanggal 2 Desember.
Album akan hadir dengan tiga versi yang berbeda, yakni Tipe A (CD+DVD); Tipe B (CD+DVD); Tipe C (CD). Didalamnya juga termasuk single "Mimic" dan "Deus ex Machina". Saat ini, belum ada info detail tentang album ini.
Untuk jadwal tour, silahkan cek dibawah ini!
Sunday, February 10th @Sendai Rensa (Miyagi)
Tuesday, February 12th @Sapporo PENNYLANE 24 (Hokkaido)
Saturday, February 16th @Gifu Club-G (Gifu)
Sunday, February 17th @Kanazawa EIGHT HALL (Ishikawa)
Saturday, February 23rd @Niigata LOTS (Niigata)
Sunday, February 24th @Koriyama HIPSHOT JAPAN (Fukushima)
Saturday, March 2nd @Takamatsu Olive Hall (Kagawa)
Sunday, March 3rd @Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO (Hiroshima)
Wednesday, March 6th @Toda Bunka Kaikan (Saitama)
Saturday, March 9th @Olympus Hall Hachiouji (Tokyo)
Sunday, March 10th @Miyagi Kenmin Kaikan (Miyagi)
Saturday, March 16th @Ichikawa Bunka Kaikan (Chiba)
Wednesday, March 20th @Tochigi Sougou Bunka Center (Tochigi)
Saturday, March 23rd @KBS Hall (Kyoto)
Sunday, March 24th @Fukuoka Convention Center Main Hall (Fukuoka)
Saturday, March 30th @NGK SPARK PLUG Civic Center Forest Hall (Aichi)
Sunday, April 7th @Orix Theater (Osaka)
Friday, April 19th @Nakano Sun Plaza Hall (Tokyo)
Sc: jpopasia.
NEGA Disband?
Berita sedih untuk Fans NEGA. Mereka telah mengumumkan bahwa NEGA akan Disband setelah Tour One Man terakhir yg akan berlangsung pada 26 - 29 April 2013. Pengumuman ini disampaikan pada live mereka kemarin. Seperti yang kita tahu, label UNDER CODE PRODUCTION akan berhenti beroperasi pada bulan Maret 2013. Namun, sebelum 'tutup buku' akan ada event terakhir dari label ini. Maka setelah event terakhir itu, NEGA juga akan menghentikan kegiatannya. Untuk saat ini, belum ada komentar dari para member.
Buat para fans, semoga kalian tegar dengan keputusan NEGA ini. Walau mereka akan disband, tetap dukung mereka sampai akhir~
Sc: jpopasia.
Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012
SCREW Akan Merilis Major SIngle ke-2
Band Visual kei SCREW telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan merilis major single ke-2 pada tanggal 2 Fenruari 2013 dengan judul "Teardrop". Single ini akan dirilis dengan tiga versi yang berbeda. Versi Reguler adalah CD yang hanya berisi lagu "Teardrop", "Blood Sucking Freak" and "ANIMA". Untuk versi Limited A termasuk dua lagu pertama dan DVD yang berisi PV Teardrop, Making of Teardrop PV dan pertunjukan debut mayor single mereka "XANADU" pada tanggal 17 Oktober.Lalu untuk versi Limited B juga termasuk dua lagu pertama dan DVD yang menampilkan dokumenter tentang live mereka di Shibuya O-West pada tanggal 17 Oktober!
Sc: jpopasia.
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